Thematic result packages available
Central Baltic programme 2014-2020 financed lots of projects which results improved our programme area and were beneficial to people. Thematic fields which will continue in Central Baltic 2021-2027 programme were discussed in the Annual Event „Bridging the borders and funding periods – results and glimpses towards the future” in September 2021.
In relation to the event, the best results in three fields: export, labour market and water were compiled into thematic information packages. The aim of the packages is to ensure that the information about good project results reaches wider audience and relevant stakeholders. It is important to us that the good results will be widely used in practice and further developed by possible new projects.
Read about the project results in export, labour market and water fields here:
Export package:
project results
This package contains information about Central Baltic project results that support export development in Central Baltic region.
Labour market package:
project results
This package contains information about Central Baltic 2014-2020 project results that support employability and entering into labour market of more vulnerable groups.
Water package:
project results
This package contains information about Central Baltic 2014−2020 results of the projects related to improving the state of the waters of the Baltic Sea.