Data protection in the Central Baltic programme

The Central Baltic programme bodies, such as the Joint Secretariat and Managing Authority, complemented by the national Contact Points, national controllers and Audit Authority, all carry out tasks that are defined in EU legislation. Thus, a separate consent is not requested from a person submitting their data to the programme.

We only collect information that is required and needed for the programme to function and reach its goals. Below you will find a detailed listing of what is collected and how long data is expected to be stored. If you have questions related to the information we collect or are interested in knowing what information is stored about you, please contact:

Personal data collected because of tasks defined in laws and regulations

Information about Jems users and applicants

During registration to the Joint Electronic Monitoring System (Jems) or filling in the application, some basic details (name, e-mail, position) are asked for. The information is collected only to be able to handle the project application process, or to later communicate with the project applicant/beneficiary about matters related to project selection or implementation. This information must by law be kept until the programme period has been finally closed.

Information related to reporting costs of approved projects

During project implementation, each partner is required to report all activities and costs with supporting documents. Information can cover salaries, participation lists, etc. The information is used only by authorised staff to verify the correctness of costs. Costs selected by the partner as containing personal data will only be shown to the programme bodies who have the legal responsibility to verify the costs. This information must by law be kept until the programme period has been finally closed.

Seminar registrations

When you register for events organised by the programme, we will ask for information such as your name, project or organisation that you represent and potential dietary requirements. The information is used by the programme authorities to select the right participants if needed, to better define the event programme and to inform catering of any food allergies or diets. Information about dietary requirements is only sent to the catering company, and without being personalised (not attached to a name). If the information for some reason needs to be personalised, the programme bodies send the information with a requirement for the catering company to delete the information immediately after the event. Other information about participants must by law be kept until the programme period has been finally closed.

Job applications

If you apply for a job in the Central Baltic programme, you will have to provide detailed personal data, such as CV and motivational letter. The information is used purely to fill job positions in the programme, meaning the position you applied for and potentially applications may be reviewed for later positions as well. The applications for candidates that were not chosen will be kept for 2 years.

Other personal data collected during application or project implementation

If any other personal data is collected during project application or implementation, the programme bodies will always make sure that as little information is collected or received as possible; that all data is handled professionally by staff carrying out tasks related to programme implementation; and all data is erased at the earliest possible moment. The programme may, for example, compile statistical databases (Excel) from existing information that are used internally to ensure proper implementation of the Central Baltic programme”.

Webpage intranet and Project webspace

An account is created based on email and name for programme authorities to fulfil their tasks, and for project representatives to access their Project webspace (limited to their project). Users are deleted from the system when the account is no longer needed for fulfilling those tasks.

Personal data collected based on consent

Programme newsletter

If you wish to sign up to the programme newsletter, we need your e-mail address. You are free to leave the newsletter at any point by clicking the respective link. Otherwise the data about newsletter subscribers will be kept until the programme period has been officially closed.

Appearance in pictures and videos

The programme collects pictures or may take videos of project and programme activities. Such data is used to promote the projects, the programme or the benefit of EU funding in general. If you wish to not be depicted in pictures or videos, please refrain from submitting them to the programme or inform the programme staff at the beginning of an event or other activity. Otherwise the material will be kept until the programme period has been officially closed.

Joint electronic monitoring system Jems

Jems uses cookies.

What are cookies?  

A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. Only that website can read them. The purpose is to enable the site to remember your preferences (such as user name, language, etc.) for a certain period of time. That way, you don’t have to re-enter them when browsing around the site during the same visit. 

How are cookies used in Jems?  

Jems uses only own cookies, and none which are provided and/or stored by third party providers. 

All cookies in Jems are session cookies, which are deleted when you quit your browser, i.e. cookies are not stored persistently on your computer. 

When you create an account in Jems, you are asked to agree to this cookie policy by ticking “I have read and agree to the Data Protection in the Central Baltic *” 

Types of cookies in Jems  
Security Cookies 

Security cookies help identify and prevent security risks. We use these cookies to authenticate users and protect user data from unauthorized parties. 

Site Management Cookies 

Site management cookies serve to maintain your identity or session in Jems. They are used to identify you when you navigate through Jems, and to help us determine if you are logged in. 

How can you manage cookies? 

Removing cookies from your device 
You can delete all cookies that are already on your device by clearing the browsing history of your browser. This will remove all cookies from all websites you have visited. 

Be aware though that you may also lose some saved information (e.g. saved login details, site preferences). 

Blocking cookies 
You can set most modern browsers to prevent any cookies being placed on your device, but you may then have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site/page. And some services and functionalities may not work properly at all (e.g. profile logging-in). 

Managing cookies  
For more detailed control over cookies, check the privacy and cookie settings in your preferred browser.