Monitoring Committee meeting (decisions on the first call applications)
The decisions on which small projects are approved and which regular projects can proceed to the second step are taken by the Programme Monitoring Committee. The Monitoring Committee is composed of national, regional, local and social representatives of the participating countries/ Åland.
The Monitoring Committee meeting is planned to be held on 28-29 June 2022.
The Joint Secretariat will publish information about approved projects latest the day after the Monitoring Committee meeting. It is the responsibility of the lead partner to inform the other project partners about the outcome.
As for the regular projects who will be selected to proceed to the second step, the exact dates for submitting the application are yet to be confirmed. The approved projects will be informed about the dates after the Monitoring Committee meeting. The programme will plan so that there is time for the summer holidays and the deadline for submitting the application to the second step is realistic for the applicants.