Tour4Youth supports sustainable careers and quality jobs in tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sectors for 15-24-year-old students or unemployed in the field. This is sought through
- Increasing career management and job-seeking skills
- Empowerment
- Access to quality employment
- Support in access to work experience, also cross-borders
- Stable integration into working life
Our other communication channels:
– Webpage tour4youth.eu
– Free online course ‘Career management in tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sector (Tour4Youth)’ – link to enrollment is https://samkmoodle.samk.fi/enrol/index.php?id=527 (course key is tour4youth)
– Facebook-page https://www.facebook.com/TourForYouth – follow for updates in introduction days and other events in each country, information on work schemes and more
The Tour4Youth project develops the career management skills, competitiveness, and employability of young tourism, hospitality, and restaurant students and unemployed jobseekers aged 15-24. The Tour4Youth programme is organised in a multi-disciplinary way to support achieving sustainable and quality careers in tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sector organisations. Young people will be offered a three-step program, with a focus on sector-related skills development: an online course in career management with a certificate (course key is tour4youth), matchmaking between employers and jobseekers, and personalised work placements in organisations within the field. More details and a map about the programme area.

For the young participants improving their careers
A free program to support your future career!
Want to improve your career management skills? Looking for personal growth? Want to find a job? Take part in a program for tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sector to meet new people, gain new experiences, and gain new skills!
Participants can gain a lot from the program. In addition to the learning results, personal growth and gaining new skills are guaranteed. Meeting new people, having new experiences, and also, in some cases, the possibility of working in English build strengths to a CV.

For the participants the program is free of charge. The program is open to tourism, hospitality, and restaurant students aged 15-24 and unemployed jobseekers of any nationality* (conditions are applied, please see below). Traineeships or work at home or abroad** provide new experiences, career opportunities, and skills. Depending on the location of the traineeship (living at home or living away from home), young participants will have access to financial support provided by the project for travel, accommodation, and living expenses up to specified amounts. In short, the participant has the opportunity to
- complete a free 5 ECTS credits online course Career management in tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sector (course key tour4youth)
- provide information about themselves and their skills for the purpose of meeting job and traineeship vacancies
- actively participate in job searches and events by meeting organisations
- undertake a traineeship in an organisation in the sector and provide feedback and a report
* the possibility to participate in an international traineeship or work is subject to the participant’s permits in the country concerned; the permits are the responsibility of the participant.
** negotiation of funding will take place individually with each trainee
Conditions for the Participant
- Young people aged 15-24
- Under 24 when starting the program (can turn 25 during the program)
- Studying tourism, hospitality, or restaurant sectors from secondary or higher VET institutions
- Vocational institutes and universities of applied sciences
- Graduated unemployed persons in tourism, hospitality, or restaurant sectors from secondary or higher VET institutions
- Country-specific legislation is applied
- Young people who would like to work in tourism sector, but have a different educational background
- At the risk of unemployment or dropping / dropped out of studies
- Residing in the programme area (more details and a map about the programme area)
- Excluding the countries’ capitals as places of residence
Gains for the Participant
- The program is free
- Gaining career management skills and knowledge
- Exceptional opportunities for international experiences
- Up-to-date CVs
- A job application template
- Two personal coaching sessions (2×2 hours)
- Peer support
- Professional support and feedback
- Matchmaking with employers, both online and face-to-face
- Information about free vacancies
- Opportunities for traineeships or work in the field
Input from a Participant
- When a person participates, they engage in all or selected parts of the program:
READY! Online training course in hospitality career management and job-seeking (course key is tour4youth)
- Certificate after completion
- Non-stop principle
- Personal discussions
- Local introduction days
- Feedback to improve the course
STEADY! Matchmaking to connect hospitality job seekers with vacancies & active job-seeking
- Local level face-to-face job matching events
- Central Baltic level online job-matching events
GO! 4-8 weeks’ traineeship or work (work schemes) with a matched organisation in the hospitality sector
- Pre-condition: completed online course
- Personalised approach in matchmaking
- Regionally, nationally, or cross-borders
- Contact during the traineeship or work
- Feedback and reporting
Note! Exceptions to the above might occur due to country-specific legislation, regulations, permits, or other rules set by other entities than the Tour4Youth project. Rules for funding are applied.

Financial support for the work schemes
4-8 weeks’ traineeship (work schemes) is supported by the program. Financial support is offered to participants (conditions apply*) for accommodation, travel and living expenses.
The program conditions and rules are applied when providing the financial support – each participant receives individually considered financial support. Please find below the financing guidelines for the work schemes:
– Scholarship for transportation and living expenses both when living at home and living away from home
– Paid travel and accommodation when living away from home
For the organisations seeking new talent
A free program to support finding employees!
Looking for new, young employees? Now it is your chance to have new knowledge, skills, and versatile perspectives in your tourism, hospitality, and restaurant workplace!
Organisations have an essential role in the Tour4Youth program. Welcoming newcomers to traineeships or work is beneficial for both the organisation and the participant. The organisations get new, innovative minds and the participants get first-class work experiences. The program supports workplaces offering good traineeships or employment to gain quality work experiences for the participants.
For organisations participation in the program is free of charge. Organizations of all sizes and forms (business, public, third sector) can participate. The conditions that are applied are that the organisation must be active in the tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sector and reside in the project area (more details and a map about the programme area). The program offers organisations the opportunity to search and find the gems of the future for your workplace. Participation will provide a coordinated link to skilled young people of the sector, and further this will give them the possibility to offer traineeships and jobs. Once a good match has been made, i.e. the organisation and the participant have found an agreement, objectives for the job or traineeship are agreed and both parties commit to the work. As always with a new job or traineeship, the organisation supports the work by providing onboarding and support.
Is social responsibility at your heart? Take part in a traineeship program to integrate tourism, hospitality, and restaurant students and graduated young people into working life!
Organisations can display their social sustainability approach by engaging in the programme. Being part of integrating young professionals into working life and thus into society, is a valuable contribution to all stakeholders: the participant, the organisation, and the society. In addition, organisations can improve their international and multicultural skills with the help of the young participants. Eventually, international workforce will improve the diversity of the organisation and its abilities to engage in multicultural employment.
Want to improve your social sustainability and international attitude? Take part in a program for tourism, hospitality, and restaurant workplaces to engage the international workforce!
As the working life is getting more multicultural, so are the students. In addition to local students, many institutions host also international students aiming at a degree in tourism. They are versatilely skilled with abilities in English and other languages, but they might lack the local language. However, integrating into a language and society requires being part of it. Thus, providing the first steps in working life is an expanding contribution.
Conditions for the Organisations
- From tourism, hospitality, or restaurant sectors
- Companies, public sector, or non-governmental organisations
- Of any size (micro, SME, large)
- Preferably from the program area (more details and a map about the programme area)
Gains for the Organisations
- Possibility to find a gem or gems to the organization
- Access to versatile professional and language skills of young people
- Access to young qualified employees in the sector
- Access to Finnish, Latvian, and Estonian labour market
- Access to workforce in a sector of labour shortages
- Online, face-to-face, and personal service provided; personalised matchmaking
- Compensation for the participant’s costs is provided (rules apply, please contact the project manager)
Input from the Organisations
- Offering quality possibilities for young students or unemployed in the field of hospitality
- Taking part in matchmaking events, both online and face-to-face
- Taking on a young person for 4-8 weeks (or longer of course)
- Introduces the employee to the work, supports, gives feedback, and a work certificate

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