Decisions made on the second call project applications
Regarding the second call for project proposals, the Monitoring Committee (MC) convened on 7-8 June and made the decision to approve five small projects for funding. Additionally, the MC selected 24 regular projects to proceed to the second step of the application phase.
The following five small project applications were approved for a total of 893 205€ ERDF.
Programme Objective 6: Improved employment opportunities on labour market
- CreativeGPS
- EASWork
- Women Online
The following 24 regular project applications were selected to continue to the second step application process.
Programme Objective 1: More exports by SMEs
- Health3-2-1
Programme Objective 2: More new scaled-up growth companies
- CDG-Booster
Programme Objective 3: Joint circular economy solutions
- ReedECOnomy
Programme Objective 4: Improved coastal and marine environment
- BaltCOP
- CargoRes
Programme Objective 5: Decreased CO2 emissions
- Cycle4Climate
Programme Objective 6: Improved employment opportunities on labour market
- Enhanced ERA
- IT Works!
- Succeed in Business
- VI
Programme Objective 7: Improved public services and solutions for the citizens
- DRONEcon
Have a look at the statistics regarding the second call validated applications below:
All other submitted project applications not listed above have been rejected. The Programme received 53 project applications for the second call, of which eight were small project applications and 45 regular project applications. Submission to the second call (first step) was open from February 20 to March 10, 2023
Next steps
The approved small project and regular projects which will continue to the second step application phase will be assigned a contact person in the Joint Secretariat (JS) after the MC meeting. The JS will be in contact with the Lead Partner regarding how the process continues (applies to both small and regular projects).
The rejected projects will receive formal administrative decisions explaining the reason for rejection. These will be sent out once the MC minutes have been approved, realistically in August. Projects may after this contact the JS to get more information on the rejection and guidance on potential next steps.

Congratulations to all successful projects!
The second step application phase for regular projects:
25 September – 16 October (12:00 EET)
Regular project applications which will continue to the second step application phase must submit their final application in Jems between 25 September 2023 and 16 October 2023 at 12:00 (EET).
Jems opens: 25.9.2023
Jems closes: 16.10.2023
The deadline is at 12:00 Eastern European Time (12:00 in Finland (including Åland), Estonia, Latvia and 11:00 in Sweden.
The final decisions are planned to be made by the Monitoring Committee on 6-7 February 2024.