Updated versions (4.0) of the Programme Manual and Guide for Applying for a Project are available
New versions (4.0) of the Programme Manual and Guide for Applying for a Project are being published on 20 June 2023 as part of the third call for (small project) applications. The documents have been revised in various aspects.
Updates in the Programme Manual 4.0
The Manual has been updated for the Third call for small projects. Minor simplifications have been made to the Application Form and the corresponding updates to the assessment methodology. The updates reflect experience from calls one and two.
In addition, the Manual has been updated with specifications in guidance related to procurement documentation, VAT for state aid projects and audit trail. These have been made based on lessons learned during the implementation or guidance received from the Commission.
Where an update of interpretation has a direct impact for a project, the information has been provided to the project in question. For other projects the Programme Manual should be read regularly and the most up-to-date version followed.
Updates in the Guide for Applying for a Project 4.0
As the Third call is targeted mainly for small projects, the Guide for applying for a project has been updated accordingly.
Small changes made to the application form are also reflected. These include for example the removal of parts C.2.2 and C.3 as separate sections to avoid overlapping questions.
Please note that the previous version 3.0 of the Guide for Applying for a Project remains available and relevant for the second call applicants selected to continue in the second step application phase.