The first step of the Fourth Call has concluded with 79 project proposals
The first step of the Fourth Call for regular project proposals officially closed on April 30th at 12:00 (EET). In total, 79 project proposals were submitted to Jems within the designated time frame.
This (79 submitted project proposals) marks the highest number of project proposals received in the Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027 funding period. Out of all submitted project proposals, 38 were submitted to the general call, and 41 to the targeted call. A statistical overview of the received applications will soon be available on the programme website.
The Joint Secretariat will commence the admissibility checks, followed by content assessments. Decisions regarding the first step of regular project applications will be made by the Monitoring Committee on 10-11 September 2024. Subsequently, the list of approved project acronyms will be published on the programme website following the meeting, based on the Monitoring Committee’s decisions.
We extend our gratitude to all applicants for their timely submission of project applications via Jems.