Improved public services
The programme objective tackles obstacles related to the administrative, regulatory, language and cultural barriers in public administration. It includes all branches of the society which are not covered by the scope of Programme Objectives 1–6.
All levels of public administration experience exchange and learning from each other are targeted, but these should lead to practical solutions and policy improvements, and/or new or improved public services. The digitalisation of public services is supported under this programme objective. In addition, participatory processes taking place when designing the improved solutions and services are supported.
However, joint curricula development within the educational systems is not supported under this specific objective.
Types of partners
Public sector organisations on local, regional, and national levels.
Indicative list of actions supported
- Awareness raising
- Trainings and networking
- Feasibility studies
- Plans and designs (including strategic and land use planning)
- Improving participatory processes for developing services
- Improving public services and solutions
- Creating joint cross-border services
- Digitalising joint public services
Any project should use a suitable mix of these actions based on the project topic. The chosen mix of actions must be relevant for achieving the contribution to both the project and programme results.
The main target groups
People benefitting from improved services and solutions provided by public sector on all levels.
Result indicator
The number of joint solutions/improvements:
1. Practical solutions and improvements to public services
2. New joint and digitalised public services
Output indicator
- The number of participating (in project activities) organisations and companies
- Organisations cooperating across borders
- Number of jointly developed solutions