Invitation to Stakeholders: Shape the Future of Interregional Cooperation
Dear Stakeholders,
Your voice matters in shaping the future of interregional cooperation. As we embark on envisioning the post-2027 period, it’s crucial to hear your perspectives and insights.
In response to the call from the European Commission, the Interreg Central Baltic Programme invites stakeholders from Estonia, Finland (including Åland), Latvia, and Sweden to participate in a public consultation aimed at shaping cross-border cooperation beyond 2027.
Whether you represent a local, regional, or national authority, or are part of any institution, group, or entity involved in regional development policies, your input is invaluable to us. We also extend this invitation to businesses, non-profit organisations, academic institutions, and local communities impacted by the objectives and activities of the Central Baltic Programme.
Your feedback will have a significant impact on the European Commission’s future plans for the Cohesion Policy and Interreg Programmes. By participating in this survey, you will help guide priorities and funding allocations for the post-2027 period in the Central Baltic Programme area.

How to participate:
Please take a few moments to fill out the online survey, accessible below. The survey will remain open until 16 August 2024.
What’s next?
By the end of this year, we will compile a report summarising the results of the public consultation for submission to the European Commission. The report will also be made available on our website.
About Interreg:
For those new to Interreg, it serves as a cornerstone in promoting cohesion and integration among European regions. It fosters cross-border partnerships for economic, social development, and environmental well-being. The Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027, funded by the European Union, aims to finance cross-border projects in Finland (including Åland), Estonia, Latvia, and Sweden to address common challenges collectively.
Your participation matters. Have your say, and let’s shape the future together!