The Final Report published with the Version 3.1 Project Implementation Guide

With our programme’s first funded projects nearing completion, we have revisited the Final Report (Annex 2 of the Guide for Project Implementation). In line with these revisions, we have released Version 3.1 of the “Guide for Project Implementation”.

In the Final Report, we have made slight refinements to the structure of questions to enhance clarity for project partners.

You can access the updated guide on our website, where you will also find the template in the Project Documents section.

What is the Final Report?

At the conclusion of each project, the entirety of the project is summarised in the Final Report, specifically in Annex 2 of the Guide for Project Implementation. This report is a standalone document with the aim of detailing project achievements from a content perspective.

While the lead partner holds primary responsibility for completing the Final Report, it is essential that the entire project partnership discusses and agrees on its content. The Final Report must undergo discussion and approval by the project steering group and be submitted to the Joint Secretariat by the project end date. It’s important to note that the JS contact person must be invited to the steering group meeting.