1st Incoming Trade mission from Azerbaijan to CB region

In the framework of project LEF Network Azerbaijan 1st Incoming Trade mission from Azerbaijan to CB region will be held from 26th of May till 2nd of June, 2024.

Trade mission will conduct of Azerbaijani delegation of more than 10 companies, as well as Azerbaijan’s leading business support organisation, Caspian Energy Club. It will be a unique opportunity to meet potential partners from Azerbaijan, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.

Incoming trade mission programme:

  • 26th of May – 28th of May – Riga, Latvia
  • 29th of May – 30th of May – Tallin, Estonia
  • 31st of May – 2nd of June – Helsinki, Finland

In all 3 partnering countries – Latvia, Estonia and Finland – B2B meetings and individual company visits will be organised to develop partnerships between CB region companies and Azerbaijani companies.

Additionaly, on 28th of May Central Baltic&Azerbaijan Business Forum will be organised in Riga, Latvia.

More information: https://www.ltrk.lv/en/events/2024/05/416/event/8175

Contact information:

Līga Sičeva/ 28625443 / liga.siceva@ltrk.lv

Rolanda Ķīkule/ 20284463 / rolanda.kikule@ltrk.lv