Central Baltic & Azerbaijan B2B Forum

Join project LEF Network Azerbaijan Business Forum on building business relations between the Central Baltic Countries and Azerbaijan

The Forum will be attended by an Azerbaijani delegation of more than 10 companies, as well as Azerbaijan’s leading business support organisation, Caspian Energy Club. It will be a unique opportunity to meet potential partners from Azerbaijan as well as partners from Estonia and Finland.

In the event programme, Mārtiņš Āboliņš, Chief Macroeconomic Analyst for the Baltic Region at Citadele Bank, will provide an insight into the economic ties between Azerbaijan and the Central Baltic States, offering a deeper understanding of the existing relationship and future prospects. Also, to provide valuable insights on management strategies and challenges in the international business environment, a presentation will be held by Mārtiņš Martinsons, CEO of FC Latvia. There will also be an information on the business environment in Azerbaijan, presented by representatives from Azerbaijan.

Date: 28.05.2024.

Time: 14:00 – 17:00

Place: National Library of Latvia, Mukusalas street 3, Riga

Language of the event: English

Registration: https://forms.office.com/e/VuAQ5pMRTQ

Participation is free of charge, but with a limited number of participants, so please confirm your attendance as soon as possible!

More information: https://www.ltrk.lv/en/events/2024/05/416/event/8175

Contact information:

Līga Sičeva/ 28625443 / liga.siceva@ltrk.lv

Rolanda Ķīkule/ 20284463 / rolanda.kikule@ltrk.lv

The Business Forum is organised in cooperation with project partners – Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Estonia), Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and Caspian Energy Club (Azerbaijan).

*The Business Forum is organised within the framework of the LEF Network Azerbaijan project. The project is co-financed by the Interreg Central Baltic Programme.