Experience exchange seminar and workshop on inclusive education (Finland, September 2023)
During the event project partner staff and educational support team members will have joint training on topics: assistive technologies; parental involvement.
Venue: Helsinki, Finland
From September 25 to September 27, 2023 in Helsinki international seminar for project participants from Latvia, Estonia and Finland took place. All participants from each country presented their project so far. We had discussions and changed opinions and experiences about inclusion of students in each country. We made study visits to different classrooms in two Lower Secondary schools in Haaga and in Vesala. We familiarized specially classrooms, in which there were many students with immigrant background and with special needs. Teachers were teaching and we were observing it. In addition, teachers presented, how they tailor teaching in different ways to students. Principals and teachers as well as students of two Lower Secondary Schools presented their schools during our visits.