Experience exchange seminar and workshop on inclusive education (Estonia, June 2024)
During the event project partner staff and educational support team members will have joint meeting and training on communication and managing issues: practical results of testing and trial from each partner; compilation of project results, guidelines, preparation of dissemination plan of project results. Experience sharing on topics: supporting bilingual students to acquire a new language – approaches, methods, teaching aids; co-visions for teachers, work in a linguistically heterogeneous classroom, and methods for working with students from immigrant backgrounds.
Venue: Narva, Estonia
The last partners’ meeting took place in Estonia from June 11 to June 14, 2024. This meeting began with an inspiring example from Vivere School and a visit to the Social and Welfare Services Laboratory at TTKK in Mõdriku. The aim was to familiarize partners with Estonia’s best practices for inclusion. During the subsequent days, we worked on preparing the final seminar, completing project outputs, and sharing knowledge. The partners’ meeting finished with a reflection and evaluation session.