From Waste to Wow – Textile Waste Innovations

 About 12.6 million tons of textile waste is produced in the European Union every year. Greenful Group is a company that offers a practical solution to the issue of recycling textile waste.

Greenful produces various products from textile waste – wall panels, decorative tiles, structural insulation panels and paving bricks. In the webinar, Greenful founder Toomas Allikas shares:

✔ A bigger picture of the problem of textile waste and its solutions
✔ What products does Greenful offer?
✔ Where did the idea for Greenful come from?
✔ How long has Greenful been operating and how is the company doing?
✔ What are the challenges of Greenful?
✔ What has been Greenful’s biggest success?
✔ A bigger picture of the problem of textile waste and its solutions

Toomas Allikas is an entrepreneur with a vision, who is currently on a mission with Greenful to solve the problem of textile waste in Europe.

The webinar is FREE, but registration is required 👉