International X-mas drop-in session

About the Opportunity
To celebrate the upcoming holiday season we invite you to this Xmas themed international drop-in session. You can join online or physically at one of the partner venues (see details below). Please let us know in the registration form if you are coming in person or online so we know to reserve the right amount of coffee/tea/”glögi”, gingerbread etc. There is no strict agenda for this meeting, as the idea is to get to know each other in a more informal setting. So grab your beverage of choice and join us!
Finland: Platform6 building 2nd floor, Åkerlundinkatu 8, 33100 Tampere, Finland
Estonia: Tallinn, exact location TBC
Latvia: Riga, Skolas Street 11, AI studio (1st floor)
Training Details:
Date: Wednesday 11.12.2024
Time: 14–15
Location: online or face-to-face in Tampere, Tallinn, or Riga
Mark your attendance today, register here by 9.12.2024.