Raising Awareness: Re:Fish Organises Educational Workshop on Preventing Abandoned Fishing Gear
On February 8, 2025, the Re:Fish project team, in collaboration with Pärnu Pernova Nature House, Pärnu Police Maritime Patrol and Border Control Team, and the Estonian Sport Fishing Federation, hosted an engaging training day for youth and children on the prevention of abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG).
The workshop, held at Pernova Nature House in Pärnu, attracted 31 participants, including more than 20 enthusiastic young learners, some accompanied by parents who encouraged their participation. The event combined interactive education, hands-on activities, and real-life scenarios to highlight the environmental risks of lost fishing gear and promote responsible recreational fishing.
Learning Through Experience: Understanding ALDFG and Ice Safety
The day began with educational lectures featuring realistic images of fishing-related litter and heartbreaking cases of entangled animals and birds, illustrating the devastating impact of ALDFG on marine and coastal ecosystems. The workshop also covered Estonian recreational fishing laws and regulations, making it easier for young fishers to understand their responsibilities. Participants then put their knowledge to the test with an interactive Kahoot quiz, reinforcing key takeaways in an engaging format.
The Pärnu Police Maritime Patrol played a crucial role in the workshop, teaching children about the dangers of ice fishing during winter. Officers explained how to recognize and respond to emergencies, ensuring young fishers know how to act safely if they or someone else falls through the ice. To make it even more practical, participants experienced the effects of ice-cold water on the movement of fingers and practiced climbing out of an ice hole with and without ice axes.
Responsible Recreational Fishing: Practical Skills for the Future
The day concluded with a hands-on knot-tying session, where participants learned essential fishing knots—an important skill, as improperly tied knots can lead to lost lures and contribute to fishing gear waste.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Responsible Fishers
The enthusiasm of the young participants was undeniable, as they eagerly engaged with both the educational and practical aspects of the training. By raising awareness and equipping the next generation with the knowledge and skills needed for responsible recreational fishing, the Re:Fish team and its partners took a meaningful step toward reducing ALDFG and protecting marine life for the future.