Stormwater Event in Söderhamn – Save the Date!

The Interreg MUSTBE project aims to improve the Baltic Sea’s condition by developing innovative stormwater management systems that combine nature-based and digital solutions for effective treatment and monitoring. With seven pilot sites across four countries, cross-border cooperation drives technological innovation and facilitates international replication.

In April, those interested in the topic will have the chance to learn what has been done at the seven pilot sites within the MUSTBE project so far and what the next steps are. There will also be interesting talks on stormwater management by topic experts.

The event is free of charge and online participation will also be made available.

MUSTBE Stormwater Event in Söderhamn

Date and time: April 24, 2025 | 9.30-12.15 (CET)

Venue: CFL, auditorium Epsilon (Södra Järnvägsgatan 7, 826 80 Söderhamn). Online participation via Teams.


9.30–9.45 Coffee and registration

  • Welcome words by Linda Hillberg, MUSTBE Project Manager, Söderhamn’s municipality
  • MUSTBE project in short by Siim Reinla, Project Lead, Viimsi municipality, Estonia
  • The Municipality of Söderhamn strategic work in Interreg and stormwater management by Maria Svensson, Project developer, Söderhamn’s municipality
  • Multidimensional analysis by Nils Kändler, Senior researcher, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
  • Advanced stormwater treatment: sensor technology and flood mitigation by Jakob Lindvall, Stormwater engineer, Sigma

10.50–11.00 Short break

  • Approaches to Stormwater Treatment in Consulting Projects by Ida Gomez Bergström, Team Leader & Sophia Flybring, Stormwater consultant, AFRY
  • Preliminary results and lessons learnt from Pori pilot sites by Aleksi Siirtola, MUSTBE Project Manager and Civil Engineer, Municipality of Pori, Finland
  • Monitoring and measuring of NBS pilot sites by Aigars Lavrinovičs, Assistant professor and Principal researcher, Riga Technical University, Latvia

12.15 End of the seminar / Lunch break


Programme may be subject to change. This activity is supported as part of MUSTBE, which is an Interreg Central Baltic Programme 2021–2027 project co-funded by the European Union.

Save the Date photo