WE C Business

Today, it is more common that men start companies and are actives as CEO ́s than women. In addition, the central Baltic economies experience relatively high youth unemployment rates, indicating the challenge of young graduates to enter the labor market.

We C Business empowers entrepreneurship and leadership among girls in the ages of 18-25. The participants will within the project train their entrepreneurial skills, test their ideas and at an early age, see entrepreneurship as a potential path forward as well as the opportunities with joint, international ventures.

Expected results

Business ideas are not bound to borders and countries and the most creative ideas are often invented in the friction between cultures and differences. Through the cooperation between Sweden, Latvia, and Estonia, WE C Business will create an environment where young female entrepreneurs can learn more about entrepreneurship and international business, build a network with other entrepreneurs from central Baltic regions, meet the differences between the countries and regions and learn from each other.

By strengthening an entrepreneurial mindset and business capacity within young women – through inspiration, networking, role models of female leaders and entrepreneurs as mentors in the project and foremost through running their own company, the project contributes to an equal and healthy business climate that gives youth, both women and men, prerequisites to convert their ideas to sustainable operations and companies.

We C Business will ensure that more women are given the opportunity to find their place in the labor market and we will tackle the need of more female entrepreneurs within all sectors of our societies, in order to be more competitive in the coming years.

Expected results

Business ideas are not bound to borders and countries and the most creative ideas are often invented in the friction between cultures and differences. Through the cooperation between Sweden, Latvia, and Estonia, WE C Business will create an environment where young female entrepreneurs can learn more about entrepreneurship and international business, build a network with other entrepreneurs from central Baltic regions, meet the differences between the countries and regions and learn from each other.

By strengthening an entrepreneurial mindset and business capacity within young women – through inspiration, networking, role models of female leaders and entrepreneurs as mentors in the project and foremost through running their own company, the project contributes to an equal and healthy business climate that gives youth, both women and men, prerequisites to convert their ideas to sustainable operations and companies.

We C Business will ensure that more women are given the opportunity to find their place in the labor market and we will tackle the need of more female entrepreneurs within all sectors of our societies, in order to be more competitive in the coming years.

Duration 01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026

Total budget

Programme priority

Improved employment opportunities

Programme objective

PO6 - Improved employment opportunities on labour market

Lead partner

STARTcentrum Social Impact

Project News