From Intentions to Implementation: The Impact of Silver Strategies in Workplace
Project „Silver Strategies“ brings together 36 private companies across Estonia, Finland, and Latvia. Project seeks to assist the companies in developing principles and strategies to support employees who are over 55 years old.
There is quite a lot of knowledge about this topic, and now is time for more concrete actions. As Martinš Riekstinš from Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said: “This project can make a big difference.” It signifies a crucial shift from mere awareness to tangible action. And fortunately, we can say that more and more employers also value experienced employees.

Building a better work environment for everyone
When talking about difficulties silver age employees meet on labor market, age discrimination is just one of them. Studies have proven that every age group has their differences that need to be addressed and taken into consideration. While young employees may desire more flexibility to take care of young kids, older employees have different needs, for example needing more time to recover from night shifts or they may value other sorts of bonuses.
Project “Silver Strategies” confronts the practical challenges faced by older workers in the workforce, before starting to change the situation it is necessary to understand the current setting.
In the initial phase of the project, interviews were conducted in all three countries. Four Estonian companies took part in that and they all revealed a lack of specific strategies or offerings tailored to the 55+ age group. However, all those companies already had some bonuses that appealed more to the older age group. Best practices and good decisions come from listening employees and that can be very beneficial for both sides, adding a thought-out strategy would elevate the positive outcome.

Harnessing collective wisdom
Last week participating companies and project representatives met in Tartu for a two-day seminar. The enthusiasm and commitment of participating companies were visible, evident in their active engagement during workshops and discussions. Questions and challenges they talked about came from their experiences and real-life situations.
One noteworthy point was that there are quite many high-quality positions older people don’t even apply for. The discussions delved into the importance of bridging the gap between silver age workers and available job opportunities. It is clear that fostering inclusive hiring practices and support in work could unlock a huge potential.
Text: Liisa Liivamets, National Contact Point in Estonia