The Central Baltic Stands With Ukraine
In response to the military aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the subsequent suspension of Interreg NEXT funding programs involving Russia and Belarus, participating Member States have reorganised their allocation of funding. The goal is to ensure that regional development remains a top priority, fostering positive change in our regions.
These adjustments have notable implications for the Central Baltic Programme, resulting in increased resources and an expanded geographical scope. With the programme’s enhanced capacity, it’s the opportune time to explore its potential for cross-border cooperation and collaborative development.
Geographical expansion: welcoming new regions
One of the most important aspects of this modification is the enlargement of the programme’s geographical area. The programme already covers regions from Estonia, Finland (including Åland), Latvia, and Sweden. The expansion now incorporates two additional regions: Etelä-Savo in Finland and Latgale in Latvia.
More funding
Equally noteworthy is the substantial increase in funding of almost 30 million euros. As a result, the total funding for the Central Baltic Programme amounts to 152 million euros (ERDF). This means more opportunities for cross-border development and collaboration in the coming years.
Opportunities ahead
Explore the Central Baltic programme and discover its opportunities for cross-border cooperation. Start preparing and seek out potential project partners for collaborative development!