AV-Growth is a 3-year project which offers a growth programme for companies in audiovisual industry i.e gaming, film, tv, video, VFX or XR in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia. It strives to tackle the lack of local, regional and national production resources, skills, equipment, facilities, and international networks in the film and TV industry. Cross-border collaboration and resource sharing are essential for scaling growth in international AV productions, benefiting both startups and the AV ecosystem as a whole. The overall aim of the project is to support AV and creative sector growth companies to respond to the existing demand related to handling of incoming big international productions and attracting more large-scale productions to Nordic and Baltic countries.

Expected results

AV-Growth is a unique opportunity for creative businesses to harness new growth tools, network with industry leaders and peers. It will create a future of well networked filmmakers and companies with new possibilities and skills for the next era of audiovisual business.
The key activities of the project include a growth programme  (e.g. matchmaking with investors and buyers, mentoring), creating a cross-border AV production model and supporting skills standardization in the field. Altogether, 24 companies are selected to the programme: their growth strategies and opportunities will be developed with different kinds of workshops, mentoring and collaboration as well as by developing new growth tools cross-border production model.

Duration 01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

Total budget

Programme priority

Innovative Business Development

Programme objective

PO2 - More new scaled-up growth companies

Lead partner

Tampere University of Applied Sciences Ltd

Project Events

Project Stories