
The project aims to support motivated Medtech, Healthtech, Pharma, and Biotech companies in Sweden, Finland, and Estonia in expanding their markets to the United Kingdom or to two selected states on the East Coast of the United States.

External disruptions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and BREXIT have created significant challenges for the sector, but also new opportunities. The life science sector companies are characterised by a long and complex process for market access and entry, including regulatory approvals and reimbursement strategies.

This project aims to support life science companies in the regulatory framework of target markets, collaboration across the value chain, IP protection, market access strategies, evaluation and validation systems in the US and UK, sales pitches, and marketing.

Expected results

Are you a Medtech, Healthtech, Pharma, or Biotech company in Sweden, Finland, or Estonia looking to expand your market to the UK or the East Coast of the US?

In collaboration with project partners and based on the established value proposition, the project will select suitable companies and provide them structured support. This includes market information, thematic training, establishing relationships with key contacts in target markets, and organizing export missions with matchmaking events, site visits, and sales lead identification. Additionally, matchmaking between the companies from SE, FI, and EE will create added value.

The project thus aims to increase market knowledge and outline a roadmap for entering the UK and US markets for approximately 60 life science SMEs in Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. Of these, 35–36 companies will be selected for export missions. It is anticipated that at least 15 of these companies will secure sales and contracts in one of the three target markets.

Expected results

Are you a Medtech, Healthtech, Pharma, or Biotech company in Sweden, Finland, or Estonia looking to expand your market to the UK or the East Coast of the US?

In collaboration with project partners and based on the established value proposition, the project will select suitable companies and provide them structured support. This includes market information, thematic training, establishing relationships with key contacts in target markets, and organizing export missions with matchmaking events, site visits, and sales lead identification. Additionally, matchmaking between the companies from SE, FI, and EE will create added value.

The project thus aims to increase market knowledge and outline a roadmap for entering the UK and US markets for approximately 60 life science SMEs in Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. Of these, 35–36 companies will be selected for export missions. It is anticipated that at least 15 of these companies will secure sales and contracts in one of the three target markets.

Duration 01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

Total budget

Programme priority

Innovative Business Development

Programme objective

PO1 - More exports by SMEs

Lead partner

Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol

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