Introducing the project crew – Tallinn University of Technology

REISFER demonstrates how cross-border cooperation could lead the way to building a greener future, and by working together we can achieve tangible environmental benefits. Therefore, we believe that it is important to showcase not only what we do, but with whom we are on the journey with.

First up, we are introducing the lead partner of the REISFER project – Tallinn University of Technology.

TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy is located in Tallinn, top of the Kopli peninsula at an historical building.

Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) is the only technical university in Estonia. Estonian Maritime Academy is a structural unit of TalTech, providing higher education at all levels, as well as conducting research and knowledge transfer services in the maritime field; and is the lead partner of the REISFER project.

The Maritime Transport Research Group in Estonian Maritime Academy focuses on smart and energy efficient environments by looking at how tightening environmental regulations affect shipping companies and what measures could be taken towards decarbonizing the maritime sector.

As the lead partner, TalTech will ensure the effective implementation of the project, and also focuses on providing the scientific viewpoint for different energy efficiency and emission reduction measures. TalTech will support the partnering ferry companies and operators in conducting their pilots and enables the sharing of knowledge and best practices. By the end of the project a set of guidelines with emission reduction measures will be presented not only for the project partners use, but more widely around the Baltic Sea region, and why not further.

The lead partner project team includes extensive knowledge from academia and industry. The team comprises of Professor Ulla Tapaninen, head of the Maritime Transport Research Group with extensive expertise in maritime transport and academia, Deniece Aiken, postdoctoral researcher with competence in maritime law and governance, and Kadi Kasepõld, project manager for REISFER and an early-stage researcher.

TalTech complements its project team with recognised maritime expert for over 50 years, Markku Mylly, also the former head of the European Maritime Safety Agency.

The team believes that, although island ferries have not yet been the focus of IMO and EU decarbonization regulations, the REISFER project is essential in helping the regional ferry industry take proactive steps toward sustainable solutions. It also provides a foundation for discussing  challenges and opportunities as the maritime decarbonization agenda progresses.