Overview of the first call: 32 projects will receive funding 

The first call resulted in approving 32 cross-border projects for funding: one small and 31 regular projects. These projects will be the first ones improving the life in our regions with funding from the Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027. 

All in all, the Programme received 82 project applications for the first call.

  • Out of those, 80 were regular project applications and 2 were small project applications.
  • After the first round, one small project was approved for funding and
  • 36 regular projects were selected to continue to the second step application phase. 
What is the result of the second step? 

As a result of the second step, 31 regular project applications were approved.
These projects will implement concrete actions for improving business development, environment and resource use, employment opportunities and public services.

As for cross-border cooperation in practice, the approved regular projects involve 137 partners from the Programme area: on average, there are 5 partners in each regular project. 

Out of 118 million ERDF, the Programme will allocate 43 million euros (36%) to approved projects (including one small project) in the first call. The ERDF figures are set to be the maximum amounts, which can be granted to the projects if they will fulfil the conditions set for them. 

A statistical overview of the number of projects approved per Programme Objectives, the number and types of partners as well as ERDF amounts are available below.  

In total, 38% of the project applications were approved by the Monitoring Committee.

Next opportunity for funding: second and third call for applications 

Funding will remain available for all Programme Objectives in the second call of applications. Project applications must be submitted in Jems between 20 February 2023 and 10 March 2023 at 12:00 (EET). Read more from below: