Estonian Smart City Companies Explore UK Opportunities

13.-17.4.2024 marked a significant milestone for Smart City companies from Estonia as they embarked on a business visit to the UK, covering the cities of London, Birmingham, and Manchester. ITS Finland representative Sanni Remonen was also on the trip. The trip aimed to explore opportunities for cooperation, share success stories, and forge new business relationships.

UK visit, London ISMEF

London: A Promising Start

The visit kicked off in London with a series of productive discussions with local government authorities. The Estonian delegation and London officials delved into the challenges and opportunities of digitalization, exchanging insights and success stories from both regions. The discussions provided an overview of London’s vision and key initiatives for Smart City solutions. The day featured numerous B2B meetings, culminating in a well-attended reception hosted by Ambassador Viljar Lubi, which further facilitated in-depth discussions and networking.

Birmingham: Embracing Future Mobility and Low Carbon Solutions

The second stop was Birmingham, where the focus shifted to the West Midlands. Here, the delegation was briefed on the opportunities within the Creative Digital & Tech, Future Mobility, and Low Carbon sectors. This segment of the trip highlighted the potential for collaboration in advancing sustainable and innovative technologies.

Manchester: Building Business Connections

The final leg of the visit took place in Manchester, where the Estonian delegation engaged in numerous individual meetings with local businesses and authorities. Supported by the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, these interactions aimed to solidify business connections and explore collaborative ventures.

Participating Companies

The delegation included representatives from several prominent Estonian companies, such as Bikeep, CybExer Technologies, DigiLogistika Keskus (Digital Logistics Centre of Excellence), GoSwift, Nortal, Ridango, and Trinidad Wiseman. These companies showcased their innovative solutions and explored potential partnerships with their UK counterparts.


The successful trade mission was made possible through the efforts of the Greater London Authority, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Ambassador Viljar Lubi, and the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. The trip was organized by EASi ja KredExi ühendasutus and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, in collaboration with the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the ISMEF project. The activities were supported by the Interreg Central Baltic Region, co-funded by the European Union.

This visit underscores the commitment of Estonian Smart City companies to expand their horizons, engage in international collaboration, and drive innovation in the digitalization and smart city sectors.