4th Central Baltic region business visit to Azerbaijan and Central Baltic-Azerbaijan Business Forum
The 4th business mission to Azerbaijan was held from 14th to 18th October 2024 in cooperation with the Caspian Energy Club and offered participants a comprehensive programme.
The business mission started with the trip to Nakhchivan, where the delegation attended the official opening of the business event. This was followed by presentations focused on energy, ecology, and green technologies. In the afternoon, they toured solar panel installations and visited a local manufacturing facility.

Then delegation spent the day at the Baku Expo Centre, attending the conference and expo. In the afternoon, there was a VIP business tour arranged according to the participants’ profiles, followed by a group dinner with ambassadors and local partners.
On Thursday, the Central Baltic–Azerbaijan Business Forum took place.

The Central Baltic–Azerbaijan Business Forum focused on fostering partnerships for sustainable technology. The day began with welcome speeches from figures such as Mr Telman Aliyev of the Caspian Energy Club, Mr Peter Michalko H.E. Ambassador of EU in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr Edgars Skuja H.E. Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr Jaak Lensment Charge d’Affaires a.i. of Estonia.

The forum then continued with the presentation part, where the following topics were covered:
- LEF network Azerbaijan project by Mrs Līga Sičeva, introduced the participants to the project aim, goals, and tasks.
- Green Technologies in Latvia: A Path to Sustainable Development by Mr Kaspars Osis, emphasising sustainable development initiatives.
- Green Tech in Estonia by Mr Ragmar Saksing, showcasing innovative solutions.
- Green Tech in Finland by Mr Mikko Pakkasela, highlighting business intelligence for sustainability.
- Green Tech in Azerbaijan by Mr Fuad Hasanov, focusing on hydrogen and renewable energy projects.

Following these presentations, a panel discussion “Working Together for Green Technologies: Trade, Safe Sharing, and Sustainability between Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and Azerbaijan” examined cooperation on green technologies, trade opportunities, and safe technology sharing. The panellists, including experts from Latvia, Estonia, and Finland, explored how to promote sustainable growth and meet climate targets through collaboration.
The event concluded with a business lunch and a series of pre-arranged B2B meetings, organised by Caspian Energy Club, where 15 companies participated, facilitating networking and potential partnerships.

The final day (Friday) allowed time for additional B2B meetings and company visits. The project LEF network Azerbaijan team also met with the Caspian Energy Club to discuss project partnerships and upcoming activities in 2025.