Azerbaijan farmers visited Estonia, Latvia and Finland
In 14.-21.of January 2025 the group of 9 farmers and dealers from Azerbaijan visited the breeding farms and export companies in Finland, Estonia and Latvia. At first the group visited one dairy and one beef farm in Finland. The Finnish breeding and animal husbandry sector was introduced by Helsinki University of Agriculture, Finnish Farmers Association (MTK) and Viking Genetics Ltd. In Estonia the seminar was held in the Animal Breeders Association of Estonia, incl. the dicussion about export opportunities of breeding materials and animals. The group visited 3 beef and 2 dairy farms in Estonia. The NGO Farmers Parliament introduced the Latvian breeding sector in sheep and dairy farms, the cooperation opportunities were discussed in Beef cattle auction center. The feedback of group members was very positive, new deals and sales were agreed during the visit. There is high interest in buying breeding animals and bull semen from our region because of very high quality.
Project “BreedExpo2” is supporting the export activities of breeding and animal husbandry sector in Azerbaijan, Turkish and Uzbekistan markets. In 04.-08. of February 2025 project partners and export companies are participating in agricultural exhibition “AgroExpo 2025” in Izmir, Turkey.