Exhibition of young bulls from beef cattle breeds in Latvia
On April 19, 2024 an exhibition-demonstration of beef cattle breeding innovations was held at the Cattle Auction House. It was organized by the Latvian Beef Cattle Breeders’ Association. During the demonstrations, the young bulls were evaluated by beef cattle experts from the USA and Latvia, as well as the potential breeding contribution of each animal in the new herds was told. As part of the “Breedexpo2” project, participants could listen to the presentation “World experience in beef cattle genetics” by the USA cattle evaluation expert P.J. Budler. The presentation was arranged by Latvian Farmers Parliament. After the demonstrations the auction of young breeding bulls was arranged.
Presentation made by P.J.Butler in English is available here: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://zemniekusaeima.lv/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Latvia-2024.pdf