First year of TransFarm project behind!
TransFarm (Transborder cooperation for circular soilless farming systems) project started in March 2023 and now a bit more than a year has gone. What have we achieved in that time?
TransFarm project aims to foster the spread and adoption of closed circular soilless farming methods, such as Aquaponics. It is a farming method where fish and vegetables are grown indoors in closed circle symbiosis to reduce substantially the usage of fresh water and the wasting of valuable nutrients. With Aquaponic farming one can basically harvest vegetables and fish all year-round, grown in controlled and safe environment.
During the first year of project implementation project partners from Estonia, Latvia and Sweden have built their demo systems for studying, developing and promoting the Aquaponic farming system. Aquaponic systems still require optimizing to function as efficiently and reliable as possible. Each system is also unique, so different means and measures to find the optimized balance are needed and seeked. TransFarm project produces these results to guiding reports to be utilized by anyone who is interested about Aquaponic farming. Project materials can be found in address and “Project materials”.
There has also happened a change in TransFarm consortium. The other Swedish project partner Campus Roslagen has been replaced with Norrtälje Vatten och Avfall Ab (NVAA). This change happened through an acquisition of business operations of Vattencentrum by NVAA. TransFarm consortium welcomes NVAA as a new member of our consortium. Project team from Vattencentrum continues their work under new ownership.
TransFarm project is implemented by a consortium which is coordinated by Finland Futures Research Centre at University of Turku. Other project partners are NVAA and Coompanion Roslagen & Norrort (Norrtälje), University of Latvia (Riga) and Estonian University of Life Science (Tartu). Project duration is three years starting from March 2023 and the overall budget is 1,87 million euro, of which EU financing covers 1,5 million euro. TransFarm project is funded by EUs Interreg Central Baltic programme. For more information:
Project Specialist Veijo Pönni FFRC/UTU | +358 50 542 6747 |