Experts We Will Hear at the MUSTBE Event in Pori
The MUSTBE project’s seminar will bring together stormwater treatment specialists in October. Find out more about these topic experts, their background and the seminar programme.
Aspects of multidimensional stormwater solutions will be discussed in the MUSTBE project’s seminar in Pori on 2nd of October 2024. If you are interested in stormwater treatment and to learning more about the modern multibenefit nature-based solutions, fill in the registration form here.

Adjunct professor Minna Keinänen-Toivola, PhD, has worked for more than 20 years on environmental issues. She is currently working as a Senior Researcher with the Maritime Logistics Research Centre of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. Keinänen-Toivola leads research at the centre and is also actively involved in stakeholder work. She has been involved with many projects and has also participated in founding the MUSTBE project.
Presentation subject in the event: Extreme weather conditions – stormwater quality and quantity

Kerta Kõiv is a Chartered Engineer in Water Supply and Sewerage, EstQF Level 8. During 10 years of work experience, she has been engaged in the design and project management of 3D pipes and land reclamation systems. In addition, she is a PhD student at Tallinn University of Technology doing research about smart multidimensional nature-based solutions for stormwater management in urban areas.
Presentation subject in the event: Multidimensional analysis

Siim Reinla works for the Viimsi municipality, Estonia, as the Lead Project Manager, responsible for writing funding applications and managing funded projects. He has former experience of managing municipalities’ stormwater systems. Besides the MUSTBE project, he also contributes to other projects related to innovative green infrastructure.
Presentation subject in the event: MUSTBE project in short

Anna-Maria Tuovinen has a master’s degree in environmental soil science. After graduating, she has conducted research on acid sulfate soils. For the past three years, Tuovinen has been working more on water conservation and specifically on measures implemented in catchment areas. Her work with the Pyhäjärvi Institute is varied and includes both planning and reporting as well as practical tasks, such as sampling.
Presentation subject in the event: Acid sulfate soils, ASS – results of HAPPASU project

Mikko Sane works as a Development Engineer at the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke). He works on different stages of the implementation of flood risk legislation. He is responsible for the national flood information system, flood-related GIS data of Finland’s environmental administration and reporting for the Floods Directive. In addition to maintenance work, he is involved in various development projects, especially related to flood mapping and flood-related information systems.
Presentation subject in the event: Stormwater flood modelling

Ville Kuoppala is a Technical Director in BK-Hydrometa Ltd., a company with expertise on runoff water treatment and water circulation measurements. He has over 25 years of experience in water treatment and its automation, dam safety, and runoff management and treatment. Data integrations and cloud services are also his expertise. He has worked in projects throughout Europe, especially in Finland.
Presentation subject in the event: Online monitoring