Pre-Christmas Tallinn – a meeting place for our project participants in December
On December 13, Ukrainian women from Latvia went to Tallinn, where the next digital marketing course seminar was scheduled for the next day. Our journey around the city began with a group photo under the Christmas tree and ended on Town Hall Square, sparkling with Christmas lights. Thanks to our Estonian partner for a fascinating tour of the city.
The second cross-border thematic seminar was held at the Viru Hotel in Tallinn. To begin with, the project manager summed up the results of the first event in Riga, which went well to the delight of the organizers and participants.
Then Ukrainian women from Latvia and Estonia continued to study digital marketing. The experienced lecturer expanded the concept of the target audience, describing its characteristics in detail, and also accompanied her presentation with interesting practical examples. Next, the participants of the event were presented with paid and free methods of promotion on social networks, as well as marketing research of the market and competitors.
A business representative shared her personal experience of creating and managing an online children’s toy store
In the last session of the seminar, participants worked in international teams and joint presentations.
We will meet again on January 11 in Riga!