Roadshow of Uzbekistan farmers and dealers
A group of farmers and dealers from Uzbekistan visited Finland, Estonia and Latvia in 20-27. of May 2024. The roadshow was arranged by project „BreedExpo2“ partners. The group visited dairy and beef farms, export companies and artificial insemination centers for learning from the best experience of the breeding sector of Central Baltic area. The participants were mostly interested in our breeding programmes, veterinary and production control systems and opportunities for buying top-quality insemination material, know-how and breeding animals (bulls, heifers). Uzbekistan has high potential as export market for our breeding sector, as the self-sufficiency in producing milk and beef products is currently ca 50% and agriculture is one of the main focus areas for further development at national level. It was agreed that the next contact visit of „BreedExpo2“ partners and export companies to Uzbekistan will be arranged in November 2024. Next year project partners organize the weekly training programme for farm managers and veterinary specialists from Uzbekistan in our countries.