The ACROSS project aims to address the lack of availability and access to music education and performing arts in the Stockholm and Åland archipelagoes. These island communities are practically isolated from societal services offered in mainland urban areas, excluding the inhabitants from the ability to have music lessons, engage with other artists, and participate in cultural events. This leads to a brain drain from these communities as current residents leave to seek opportunities in more urban settings and few new residents arrive.

Expected results

The project will connect island venues via a dependable low-latency network to cultural hubs in Stockholm and Mariehamn using specially designed remote stations that communicate over existing optical fiber networks. The music schools SMI and ÅMI will provide music lessons to the island residents with SMI focused on young adult and professional musicians and ÅMI on young musicians.  Riksteatern and NIPÅ will collaborate to provide performing arts productions and workshops to the island communities.  The increased consumption of cultural activity and digital collaboration will increase inhabitant satisfaction and create real opportunities for culture and professional development. This will be a component in reversing the brain drain, keeping current residents and attracting new ones.

Duration 01.04.2024 - 31.03.2027

Total budget

Programme priority

Improved public services

Programme objective

PO7 - Improved public services and solutions for the citizens

Lead partner

University College of Music Education in Stockholm

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