SMEs in Finland and Estonia face significant barriers in international expansion, such as cultural understanding, market identification, trade regulations, financial constraints, and logistical challenges. With domestic markets quickly saturating, international diversification becomes essential, but many SMEs lack the necessary skills and resources.

GGM (Gateway to Global Markets) is focusing on e-commerce as a strategic entry point for exporting to Japan and South Korea. We aim to equip SMEs with essential digital marketing and export skills, provide market-specific insights, and concentrate on high-potential sectors like superfoods, cosmetics, and beverages. By building networks and fostering cooperation both domestically and in target markets, we promote continuous, economically viable exports. GGM empowers SMEs to gain a competitive edge, reduce dependency on saturated markets, and establish profitable, sustainable international operations.

Expected results

The project aims to support Finnish and Estonian SMEs in launching export activities to Japan and South Korea through cross-border e-commerce. This will be achieved by building networks, providing cross-cultural training, conducting market research, and developing localized marketing strategies. Additionally, we will streamline order-delivery processes by digitalizing them, enhancing logistics strategies, and ensuring sustainable supply chains.

These efforts will equip SMEs with the necessary tools, knowledge, and partnerships to overcome export barriers, leading to continuous and growing export volumes. The project will produce comprehensive, user-friendly training materials and a Cross-Border Access Plan to ensure long-term success and sustainability in international markets. As a result, participating SMEs will achieve new sales and contracts, fostering economic growth beyond the EU.

Duration 01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

Total budget

Programme priority

Innovative Business Development

Programme objective

PO1 - More exports by SMEs

Lead partner

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Ltd

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