Women Online – digital marketing training for immigrant women from Ukraine in Latvia and Estonia (acronym: Women Online)

A common cross-border opportunity is represented by a reskilling for a profession, which is currently demanded on the labour market and has a further growth potential; namely – Digital Marketer. Therefore, project overall objective is to design and conduct a Digital Marketing Training Course “Women Online” for immigrant women from Ukraine in order to increase their competitiveness on the labour market and enable them to get a job

The partners will design and conduct a Digital Marketing Training Course  for Ukrainian women. The course will last for 5 months, consist of 88 learning hours and encompass 10 cross-border workshops (5 face-to-face and 5 online) and 3 cross-border online master-classes. The course will be implemented twice: in Round 1 and Round 2.

During the workshops, trainees will learn and practice 8 core digital marketing topics under the guidance of professional and innovative speakers. Online master-classes will be dedicated to the following topics: boosting creativity, creation of viral content and ways to promote handmade products online.  Participation of digital marketing practitioners and interactions between them and trainees will be widely integrated into the course

Additionally,  project participants will be trained how to find potential employers, approach them with an offer, present own abilities in a confident and persuasive way, answer possible questions. Practicalities of being a self-employed person will be outlined.

70 immigrant women from Ukraine, who arrived to Latvia and Estonia as refugees, and reside in Zemgale, Riga and Riga region in Latvia and Põhja-Eesti region in Estonia, will actively participate in the training course during 2 rounds. Both Latvian and Estonian trainees will receive a Certificate of Completion signed by the Latvian University of  Life Sciences and Technologies, which will outline topics and learning hours. The hours can be transferred into credit points in formal education.

Latvian University of  Life Sciences and Technologies

Eesti People to People

1st September 2023 – 30th November 2024