Project background
The woodhouse manufacturing industry is steadily growing along with the increasing popularity of wood as a sustainable construction material, the industry is in constant need for the skilled labour force. The project aims at increasing the competitiveness of youngsters at the international construction labour market.
The construction industry has always had a very traditional approach to education, but it needs to be changed in order to be attractive for today’s youth. This requires launching and piloting new learning methods (more engaging, more inclusive) and programmes, including internships for hands-on learning of practical skills.
The project team representing the best know-how of the industries and universities of applied science will jointly create training programmes based on interactive e-learning and hands-on practical internships.
Project activities
Analysis of potential target groups of the training programmes and expected skill-sets at the woodhouse industry
Drafting and compilation of study materials in 3 languages (EE, FI, LV)
Visualisation and layout of the e-learning modules of the training programmes
Woodhouse industry’s vacancy promotion tool to promote the potential employers of the industry for the graduates of the training programmes
Carrying out the training programmes

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