Söderhamn municipality´s 7th project

The project MUSTBE is the latest Central Baltic project for the municipality of Söderhamn. As the only Swedish municipality so far participating in ongoing projects, the Swedish Contact Points asked project developer Maria Svensson what motivates them to continue applying for new projects. Hopefully, more muncipalities see the benefits of applying for project funding from the Central Baltic programme.

What is the project about?

Interreg MUSTBE project aims at improving the condition of the Baltic Sea by treating stormwater that reaches the sea by developing novel multi-benefit stormwater management systems. Within this project the partners aim to combine nature-based stormwater (NBS) solutions with digital solutions to maximize stormwater treatment efficacy and municipalities capacity to monitor the actual quality of the stormwater.

What was your motivation to participate in the project?

Söderhamn as a Municipality needs to improve our storm water management by focusing on technological solutions in important areas of the community. We have some high risk-areas for flooding and we need the help and cooperation from other partners to succeed.

Why is the Central Baltic project important for you as a municipality?

The programme and the project brings us together with other Municipalities that share a common need of solutions and improvements in knowledge and technology and also with experts that we would not be able to work with without the project. Without the project we could not look for technical innovation and knowledge to this degree.

What is happening in your project in 2024?

In 2024 we are preparing for what to be done in our pilot areas, working on design, procurements and further investigating the pilot areas.