Documents for project implementation

This page is addressed to beneficiaries who are implementing their projects.
It will be updated with more documents based on their availability. The most important document for project implementation is the Programme Manual (see below). 

Programme Manual

Programme Manual is written for the project applicants and beneficiaries. It gives you the basic information needed both when applying for project funding and while implementing your project.

The Programme Manual was updated to 6.0 on 21.01.2025. The updates are described on the last page of the Programme Manual.

Guide for Project Implementation

This guide contains practical information and should be read together with the valid version of the Programme Manual.

Updated on 21.01.2025.

List of all templates and supporting documents (available below)
Subsidy Contract

The Subsidy Contract defines the rights and obligations of the project and will be signed between the Lead Partner and the Managing Authority. The final contract will be generated by the Managing Authority.

Project partnership agreement

The partnership agreement model is provided by the Managing Authority for the projects to use and adjust based on individual needs. The agreement is signed between the Lead Partners and all Project Partners.

Report of hours 3.1

Use this for reporting staff costs (only hours actually worked for the project can be reported in Jems).
File updated on 19.11.2024.

Report of hours version 3.1 must be used for reporting staff costs in all partner reports for periods ending 30.04.2025 or later.

Save the file on your computer and open the file in Acrobat/Adobe Reader

Confirmation letter to the project report

A signed Confirmation letter to the project report must be attached to each project report.

List of participants for face-to-face events

The example template is designed for projects to collect signatures. Signatures must be collected from participants separately per each event day. The project can also use its own template if relevant.

The Final Report

At the end of the project, the whole project is summarised in the Final Report. The main responsibility of filling in the Final Report remains with the lead partner

Project modifications template

The Modification request template must be filled in when the project is applying project modification which is having an impact on the Application Form. The modification must be approved by the project steering group before the request is submitted to the JS.

Project webspace user manual (version 2.0)

This user manual covers how to manage your Project webspace via the admin interface on the Programme website. The guide was updated on 15 November 2024.

GBER (General Block Exemption Regulation) Art 20a monitoring template

Template to support the follow-up of the amount of the financial aid given to third parties, for example for the companies who are participating in the project as beneficiaries.

Mid-term meeting template

The Mid-term project meeting template is to be prefilled by the JS contact person halfway through the project implementation phase to prepare for the meeting between the lead partner and the JS contact person. The aim of the meeting is to summarise the project achievements so far, discuss the project highlights, possible challenges and needs for changes as well as future actions.

A3 poster (template)

All project partner organisations must display at least one information poster (minimum size A3) in their premises where it is well visible to the public. The template is a model that the project can freely adjust to its own needs.