Building confidence and clarity: highlights from career counseling

As the “Your Future Profession” career counseling has wrapped up, we reflect on a journey, where participants from Latvia and Sweden explored their strengths, goals, and growth opportunities with the help of career counselors.
Career counselors were impressed by the young participants’ openness, motivation, and readiness to explore their potential. They noted: “Every participant had their own unique spark and was eager to collaborate.”; “It has been incredibly exciting to follow their processes. I’ve received great feedback on both the individual sessions and the group meetings.”; “It was a pleasure to see their motivation and focus on growth. They were punctual, polite, and engaged in the process.”
However, participants gained clarity, practical advice, and new perspectives: “The sessions helped me see my plans are achievable and strengthened my confidence in my career direction.”; “I learned new opportunities in my field, how to write a CV, and tips for exploring professions.”; “Through conversations and tests, I discovered strengths I didn’t know I had. It motivated me to dream big and take bold steps.”; “I realized the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and aligning with my values. These sessions truly inspired me.”
This has been a transformative experience, preparing participants to take their next steps with confidence! So what’s the next step? “The Strike Practice Bank” is waiting for your applications:
The program is implemented by “STARTcentrum” (Sweden) and the association “Impact Hub” (Latvia). The project is financed by the Interreg Central Baltic Sea Region Program 2021-2027. Project no. CB0500280.
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