News from Finland: the eagerly awaited CreativeGPS training program started on October 30th!

🥳 The eagerly awaited CreativeGPS training program started on October 30th!

Twenty-four professionals from the arts, culture and event industry met and started career sparring together.

🥳 🥳 The kick-off meeting was full of enthusiasm and the joyful atmosphere of meeting one’s own tribe, here it goes!

The group was tuned and led on a shared journey by Anna Jussilainen (solution-oriented coach, MA, MA).

The training programme started simultaneously in Finland, Estonia and Latvia. It’s great that we are part of the wave of expertise that unites the Baltic region!

This activity was supported as part of CreativeGPS, an Interreg Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027 project co-funded by the European Union. This project is created together with Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture – NDPC, Tallinna Loomeinkubaator and Arts and Culture Trade Union TAKU ry.