Lead partner
€ 545 363
€ 436 291
Project partners
Junior Achievement Latvia
€ 402 469
€ 321 975
Junior Achievement Finland
€ 529 390
€ 423 512
Contact information

Project partner – Junior Achievement Finland
JA Finland offers schools, educational institutions and municipalities services and learning modules that support working life, economic and entrepreneurial skills. Our service path covers learning modules for all educational levels.
Our goal is to ensure that every child and young person, regardless of their background, gets a chance to learn skills that are important for their future. We strengthen the readiness of children and young people to meet the needs of changing working life, to manage their daily lives and to identify their own strengths.
Contact person: Mari Laakso-Suutari, mari.laakso-suutari@nuortennyt.fi

Project lead – Junior Achievement Estonia
JA Estonia has delivered entrepreneurship education (EE) for 30 years. We have broad experiences in program development, teacher training and organizing student educational events as nationally as crossing borders.
We offer our competence in organizing student seminars, trade fairs, teacher training sessions. We are interested in offering different international opportunity for our students giving our students good competences and a reliable toolbox for their future.
Contact person: Roger Linask, roger@ja.ee

Project partner – Junior Achievement Latvia
JA Latvia was founded in 1992. From this time the organisation has been dealing with teacher training, programme development and event organising. It has focused on student company programme 14 years ago as a main programme. JA Latvia has a long lasting experience in organising large International events.
International Student Company Festival, organized by JA Latvia, has become a well known brand inside Junior Achievement organisations i EEurope. It is one of the biggest events in entrepreneurship education in Europe.
Contact person: Linda Volane, linda@jalatvia.lv
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