This project plans to bring together youth from Estonia, Finland and Latvia to teach them international entrepreneurship and develop teaching material that is piloted during the project time with three international groups, amended by these results and made available to wider public. In addition to forming entrepreneurial attitudes students will obtain knowledge about cultural differences and working in multinational teams, working cultures in CB countries, communication with different customers, presenting their ideas and products, problem solving, leadership, organizing virtual meetings, marketing (including virtual marketing), business ethics, future skills, etc.

Expected results

The project will last 3 schoolyears and each year at least 100 students are planned to participate in a seminar, Job Shadowing, trade fairs (with short workshops) in 3 countries and work online with each other. By earlier experiences we prognose that each year more than 100 students participate actively as usually student companies are bigger and to maximize the impact all over the regions, not all students per their company can participate in all events.

Duration 01.09.2023 - 31.12.2026

Total budget

Programme priority

Improved employment opportunities

Programme objective

PO6 - Improved employment opportunities on labour market

Lead partner


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