
To reduce CO2 emissions from urban transport, planning authorities need knowledge about effective and feasible ways of promoting bike travel over car travel. The objective of Cycle4Climate (C4C) is to implement and evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of physical and social behavioural interventions aimed at making people switch from car travel to bike travel. These interventions are carried out in four transport areas in four cities (Espoo, Finland; Gävle, Sweden; Pärnu, Estonia; Riga, Latvia). Continuous traffic volume measurements will be used together with pre- and post-intervention travel surveys to estimate the CO2 emission impacts from the behavioural interventions.

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Expected results

The project will result in three outputs:

  1. implementation of behavioural interventions in the transport areas,
  2. estimations of travel-related CO2 emissions over time in the transport areas and the impact from the interventions on these, and
  3. cross-border knowledge co-creation, synthesised in the form of an intervention toolbox.

City officials, policymakers, and decision-makers in the Central Baltic region seek to reduce CO2 emissions from traffic by increasing the share of bicycles in their cities. Cycle4Climate fills an important gap by focusing in a structured and systematic way on physical and social behavioural interventions in combination. The resulting CO2 impact estimations across four transport areas will create a broad evidence base for the effectiveness of interventions while the toolbox format enables flexibility to adapt to contextual factors that differ between cities, thereby enabling an accelerated uptake in planning practice.

Expected results

The project will result in three outputs:

  1. implementation of behavioural interventions in the transport areas,
  2. estimations of travel-related CO2 emissions over time in the transport areas and the impact from the interventions on these, and
  3. cross-border knowledge co-creation, synthesised in the form of an intervention toolbox.

City officials, policymakers, and decision-makers in the Central Baltic region seek to reduce CO2 emissions from traffic by increasing the share of bicycles in their cities. Cycle4Climate fills an important gap by focusing in a structured and systematic way on physical and social behavioural interventions in combination. The resulting CO2 impact estimations across four transport areas will create a broad evidence base for the effectiveness of interventions while the toolbox format enables flexibility to adapt to contextual factors that differ between cities, thereby enabling an accelerated uptake in planning practice.

Duration 01.06.2024 - 30.11.2027

Total budget

Programme priority

Improved environment and resource use

Programme objective

PO5 - Decreased CO2 emissions

Lead partner

University of Gävle
Logo of the University of GävleLogo of Metropolia University of Applied SciencesLogo University of TartuLogo of Riga Technical UniversityLogo of the City of EspooLogo of the Gävle MunicipalityLogo of the City of PärnuLogo of the City of Riga