The Northbound Scaleups programme provides tools, peer support and expert mentoring for selected startups in Finland, Sweden and Estonia to enhance their conditions for scaling up and successfully entering new international markets.
Only 2–4% of startups in the Central Baltic area evolve into scaleups. This statistic highlights a key challenge for many entrepreneurs: scaling their business. The path to scaling is often elusive due to the lack of know-how, resources, and networks, especially when it comes to expanding into foreign markets. The first international step is often the most difficult one, but it’s crucial for the growth of any startup.The challenges are rather similar in the whole area. We set out to tackle this challenge through the Northbound Scaleups (NBSCALE) project. The three partnering countries —Finland, Estonia, and Sweden—are highly innovative but face limited domestic market opportunities. To grow, the companies must expand internationally.
Peer group learning is valuable for scale-ups but challenging to implement in individual programs. By forming larger cross-border cohorts, we can better support scale-ups across the Central baltic area. Beyond sharing methods and expertise, joint cooperation enhances market knowledge, expands networks, and strengthens access to key markets. Acting as bridgeheads, we can leverage our existing international connections, creating long-term value for both partner organizations and participating scale-ups.
Our international team organised three dynamic rounds, including expert-led workshops, mentoring, coaching, founder-to-founder support, network building, and market discovery trips.
The NBSCALE program supported 44 ambitious companies through a comprehensive approach that included expert-led workshops, mentoring, coaching, founder-to-founder support, network building, and market discovery trips. Each startup received personalized coaching and access to a network of 150 expert mentors. Peer collaboration allowed participants to learn from each other’s challenges and successes and effective online collaboration tools ensured efficient communication and seamless resource sharing.
By providing these resources, the program created an international growth platform designed to tackle the common barriers to international expansion that most startups face in the Central Baltic area. The program began with key topics such as the principles of growth, team performance and productivity, evaluating target markets and competitors, and strategies for successful market entry. Companies moved on to market validation, exploring product-market fit and refining their business models through customer engagement. Scaling strategies were tested and launch plans evaluated in Scaling Labs, and investor pitches presented in front of the investor feedback panel. Finally, Market Discovery Missions across various European countries generated valuable leads, helping companies secure partnerships and attract customers in their target markets.
This structured cross-border approach ensured the success of the program, enabling companies to build a strong foundation for international growth and secure valuable investor connections. In the target regions, expertise in supporting business scalability and identifying the right contacts has been enhanced. The growth of companies translates into increased employment, economic growth, and improved well-being in these regions, both during the project duration and in the long term.The participating companies have been very satisfied with the implementation of the program, and most of them have reached scaleup status. They are already employing more people both in their regions and internationally.The investors, pro bonos, and other experts have gained valuable contacts and investment opportunities. Other business support organizations have learned a lot about running a scaleup program.
35 out of 44 companies across Finland, Estonia, and Sweden have scaled up status. Most of these companies are already generating revenue from their target markets. More results are expected after the project end.
FI: Status: 14 out of 15 (one drop off) companies have achieved scaled-up status.
EE: Status: 10 out of 15 (3 drop offs) companies have achieved scaled-up status.
SWE: Status 11 out of 14 (2 drop offs) companies have achieved scaled-up status.
Some examples of Finnish participating companies:
-More expansion to Sweden, Ireland. New markets UK, Netherlands, Germany and Austria. 100+ sites in Europe.
-Pilot marketing campaign increased revenue in Sweden by 1600%.
-Prensence in Norway and Sweden, developed business model, expanded key team.
-More end-users in Sweden, US market in pipeline, raised investments.
-‘Expanded to Sweden and Germany, expanded the key team in Sweden, developed business model.
-Distributor deal for Benelux market, established connections for key player in the Lean industry (gaining sales leads). Hiring growth marketer.
Some examples of Estonian participating companies:
-Expanded to Poland. Expanded the team by 3 people (2 engineers and 1 sales representative to validate Latin American markets.
-Signed a reselling partner agreement with a Polish company, negotiating with a Czech partner, and signed two agent agreements with Latvian sales agents. Expanded core product offering.
-Expanded to Germany,
-Expanded to Latvia.
-Expanded new markets: Turkey, Israel, Lithuania. Started working with the International Basketball Federation (FIBA).
Some examples of Swedish participating companies:
-Implemented soft-landing in Germany, Norway and Belgium through partners – generating revenue.
-Paying customers in Germany and Austria. Team of 7 (3 new). New Business model.
-Expanded team by 7 new employees, raised investments, Paying customers in 3 countries.
-Developed the business model, raised investments, new customer segments, partnering to launch internationally.
-Partnering with a design company in the Netherlands. Generating revenue through direct sales.
-Established afflilates in UK and Norway, working on setting up new affiliate in Denmark raised investments.
As a result, companies have gone through 2 parts of NBSCALE Program: a) Growth Program and b) Scale Lab. These have also found their market fit and implemented soft landing on their target market. These startups have raised investments and/or developed the business model and/or developed the new product/service and/or expanded the key team. These startups most likely will have revenue from their foreign target market during project duration, latest soon after project duration.
Has your Finnish, Estonian, or Swedish startup company already launched its product or service in the domestic market? Are you ready to go international?
The Nortbound Scaleups growth programme offers an intensive journey towards growth and internationalization, all free of charge:
– practical guidance on market analysis, preparing for investment rounds, etc.
– getting to know potential target markets
– personalized growth mentoring and access to a pool of industry-specific expert mentors
– new opportunities for collaboration with other businesses across the Central Baltic area.
During the programme, the company representatives will attend workshops in Turku, Gävle and Tallinn. The events are packed with networking, learning and developing your business towards a well defined goal.Any questions beforehand? Reach out to your local project partner.
This Central Baltic Programme project is a joint initiative between Business Turku, Movexum AB, and Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol.
Duration 01.03.2023 - 31.03.2025
Total budget
Programme priority
Innovative Business DevelopmentProgramme objective
PO2 - More new scaled-up growth companiesLead partner
Business Turku Ltd
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