The applications for the final round of NBSCALE closed on May 3rd! We’ll be in touch.

The Northbound Scaleups programme provides tools, peer support and expert mentoring for selected startups in Finland, Sweden and Estonia to enhance their conditions for scaling up and successfully entering new international markets.

Expected results

As a result, companies have gone through 2 parts of NBSCALE Program: a) Growth Program and b) Scale Lab. These have also found their market fit and implemented soft landing on their target market. These startups have raised investments and/or developed the business model and/or developed the new product/service and/or expanded the key team. These startups most likely will have revenue from their foreign target market during project duration, latest soon after project duration.

Apply for the programme!

Has your Finnish, Estonian, or Swedish startup company already launched its product or service in the domestic market? Are you ready to go international?

The Nortbound Scaleups growth programme offers an intensive journey towards growth and internationalization, all free of charge:
– practical guidance on market analysis, preparing for investment rounds, etc.
– getting to know potential target markets
– personalized growth mentoring and access to a pool of industry-specific expert mentors
– new opportunities for collaboration with other businesses across the Central Baltic area.

During the programme, the company representatives will attend workshops in Turku, Gävle and Tallinn. The events are packed with networking, learning and developing your business towards a well defined goal.

Apply for the final round by May 3, 2024.
Any questions beforehand? Reach out to your local project partner.

This Central Baltic Programme project is a joint initiative between Business Turku, Movexum AB, and Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol.

Duration 01.03.2023 - 31.03.2025

Total budget

Programme priority

Innovative Business Development

Programme objective

PO2 - More new scaled-up growth companies

Lead partner

Business Turku Ltd

Project Stories