Region of opportunities

This project addresses long-term unemployment of national minority women with children in Latvia and Estonia who fall in the age group 15-29 years. Women in both countries bear social responsibilities, such as taking care of children and elderly relatives, and have more domestic duties than men, which makes it difficult to meet rigid requirements of some employers and withstand demanding working conditions. According to a survey, 2/3 of women with children faced discriminatory behaviour of employers either in a straightforward or implicit way. Moreover, jobless years, inability to realise potential and absence of income have a negative impact on target group representatives’ self-esteem and self-confidence.

The project will design and implement a cross-border training course, which will provide women with children with a key business information and help develop essential competencies to launch and run a micro or small company.

Expected results

The interactive cross-border training course will last for 10 months, encompass 9 cross-border one-day events and will be conducted twice: in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2.

Each cycle will include 2 modules, namely: Module 1 – You and your business: Awareness-raising conference, self-analytical and confidence-boosting workshop “Who are you? What are you?”, introduction into mastermind groups “Strengths combat weaknesses” and workshop “Imagine your business”. Module 2 – Key business knowledge: Workshops “Sell with confidence”, “Enormous possibilities of the internet”, “Finance fundamentals”, “Branding: make your packaging attractive” and consulting marathon “Clarify it!”.

A total of 66 women will be enrolled in the course during 2 cycles. 54 persons will be active participants. It is expected that 30% of active participants (equals to 16 persons) will start own businesses within 1 year after course completion.

Expected results

The interactive cross-border training course will last for 10 months, encompass 9 cross-border one-day events and will be conducted twice: in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2.

Each cycle will include 2 modules, namely: Module 1 – You and your business: Awareness-raising conference, self-analytical and confidence-boosting workshop “Who are you? What are you?”, introduction into mastermind groups “Strengths combat weaknesses” and workshop “Imagine your business”. Module 2 – Key business knowledge: Workshops “Sell with confidence”, “Enormous possibilities of the internet”, “Finance fundamentals”, “Branding: make your packaging attractive” and consulting marathon “Clarify it!”.

A total of 66 women will be enrolled in the course during 2 cycles. 54 persons will be active participants. It is expected that 30% of active participants (equals to 16 persons) will start own businesses within 1 year after course completion.

Duration 01.09.2024 - 30.11.2025

Total budget

Programme priority

Improved employment opportunities

Programme objective

PO6 - Improved employment opportunities on labour market

Lead partner

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies

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