Project Objectives:

Events & Activities:

The goal of CB SCALE-ABLE project is to develop a sustainable and potentially ongoing service for the scalable companies to increase their growth potential through corporate collaborations.

The common cross-border challenge tackled by SCALE-ABLE is related to the underused potential that can be achieved through the systematic matchmaking of regional corporations and scaling technology companies of Estonia, Finland & Sweden.

Project sets up a framework and raises the awareness of corporates and scaleups, pre-validates the companies for perfect match, matchmakes the companies to establish collaboration, supervises the collaborations till success. 

CB SCALE-ABLE project joins 60+ corporations and 140+ scaling technology companies in trending technology verticals. 

The main beneficiaries are scaling small & medium enterprises (SMEs), corporations and business support organisations capable to establish the repeatable system for matchmaking and cross-border collaborations.

Besides the main goal, enhancing the growth opportunities of scaleup companies, the project aims to address the following challenges:

  • Systematic approach on corporate-scaleup commercial collaborations.
  • Meeting the innovation needs of the corporations and sharing know-how on scaleup collaborations.
  • Joining the regional strengths and leveling the shortcomings in scaleup-corporate matchmaking ecosystems.
  • Providing the scaleups an additional and unique business acceleration opportunity.

The project SCALE-ABLE will result in 20-25 documented commercial collaboration started between the scaling companies and corporations (e.g. joint product or service development, conducted investment, direct sales to corporations, new markets entered via corporations). 

More detailed information coming soon!

April until October 2023 Establishing and launching the framework for the project & participating companies

September until October 2023 – Call-to-action period for onboarding companies (corporates) – 1st cohort.

September until November 2023 – Call-to-action period for onboarding companies (SMEs) – 1st cohort.

23rd of November 2023  Information seminar for onboarded companies & all interested parties

October until December 2023 Validating registered companies (SMEs & corporates) & assessing the corporate needs for matchmaking – 1st cohort.

January 2024 – SME selection for 1st matchmake event

30th & 31st of January 2024 Workshops & 1st matchmaking event in Sweden, Norrköping (Face-to-face)

September 2024 – Workshops & 2nd matchmaking event in Sweden, Stockholm (Face-to-face)

February 2025 – Workshops & 3rd matchmaking event in Finland, Turku (Face-to-face)

June 2025 – Workshops & 4th matchmaking event in Estonia, Tallinn (Face-to-face)

Project set up:

CB SCALE-ABLE project creates understandable and repeatable model/system to matchmake the corporations and scaleup companies for commercial collaborations. 

The project duration is 30 months starting from 1st of April 2023. 

The project is set up in 4 separate bootcamp periods, each with the duration of 6 months.

The aim of the bootcamps is to provide trainings & workshops for awareness & know-how, matchmaking events and mentoring to scaleup companies and corporations to reach successful collaboration cases. 

A bootcamp will include the following elements:

  • Onboarding scaleups and corporations;
  • 2 workshops on scaleup and corporate collaboration (around 50-60 participating companies per event, face-to-face)
  • 1 matchmaking event for the companies attended in the workshops (30 scaleup companies and 15 corporations per matchmaking event)
  • 5 – 10 collaborations started after the matchmaking event between the scalup company and the corporations
  • personalised mentoring support for all the collaboration projects established during the matchmaking event.

The workshops & matchmaking events will be held across the participating countries of Estonia, Finland and Sweden, each country having 2-3 workshops during the project.

The lead role of the activities related to matchmaking events to establish scaleup-corporate collaborations is taken by SISP-IGNITE. 

The team:

CB SCALE-ABLE project goals and ambitions can only be achieved through the systematic cross-border collaboration by the partners.

The partners of the CB SCALE-ABLE project are Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol (Estonia, Tallinn | Lead-partner), Turku Science Park (Finland, Turku), SISP-IGNITE (Sweden, Stockholm) and Norrköping Science Park (Sweden, Norrköping). 

This collaboration helps to assure the following critical aspects of the project: 

  • Cross-border framework setup
  • Cross-border pool of corporations and scaling companies 
  • Cross-border sharing of the Resources
  • Cross-border knowledge sharing
For further information contact us!
Person of contact:

Helene-Terese Jürgenson
Project Manager of Business Development & Innovation Services
Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol
+372 53 042 447