Image details
At this point, we wish to already thank you for sending us material about your project. Having project photos, instead of generic ones helps us greatly in showing the actions and results that EU funding brings to the regions.
In the form, we ask for basic contact information (name, email, phone and organisation). This is to ensure that we can contact the uploader if needed. For more information on how personal of data is handled in the Central Baltic programme, you may wish to review our GDPR page:
Before ticking the box and sending us the material, please consider the following points:
– By sending us photos, you confirm that the Regional Council of South-West Finland (the Managing Authority of the programme) receives a permanent right to use the image without a separate contract or compensation.
– You agree that the Regional Council of South-West Finland can freely use to photo in programme-related communication:
– – This includes, for example, the project database (, the Funded Projects booklet and social media
– – We may also submit the material further to third parties, such as the European Commission
– By sending us photos, you also confirm that you have full rights for the photo and have permission from people seen in the photo(s) and/or material that falls under the copyright law, to publish this material.
– You are responsible for following copyright laws and all other applicable laws.
– You confirm that the submitted photo(s) can be used in the above-mentioned purposes.