Welcome to the Ce4Re project materials section. In this section you can find useful materials related to the project.PublicationLeaflet for participant restaurants (EN)Ravintola-alan ammattilaisia koulutetaan kiertotalouden edelläkävijöiksiRavintolan ympäristövaikutukset kuriin ruokahävikin hallinnan kautta myös SatakunnassaKiertotalousajattelun omaksunut ravintola tekee hyvää ympäristölle ja yhteisölleSustainability: Restaurants without Bins - How Does a Circular Restaurant Operate?Introduction to Circular Economy - What, How and Why? -webinarCircular Menu Planning - How to promote circular cooking in your restaurant? -webinarWaste Prevention & Reduction - How to eliminate waste in your restaurant? -webinarSustainability marketing and communication. How to market and communicate your circular actions? -webinarEnvironmental impact of food – webinarPractical examples and product development to reduce food waste and promote the circular economy – webinarEfficient and Sustainable Modern Catering Enterprise -webinarA checklist of the best circular economy practices for restaurants Find Ce4Re on social media FacebookInstagramLinkedIn
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